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Light Sculpture

Fully assembled light sculpture


The Light Sculpture is a project that incorporates different aspects of my engineering knowledge in order to create a unique light show. This project expanded upon skills previously explored in the creation of my Luminism Shadow Box, and provided new tools for me to apply in addition. Some general skills learned during this project include:​
     - Analyzing the function of electrical components
     - Creating 3D models of parts in SolidWorks
     - Programming an Arduino using C++
     - Soldering on circuit boards
     - Facing parts on a lathe

Art and Design

My knowledge on polar coordinates helped me create a radial design for my Light Sculpture (figure 1). I used a single pole design to position my light rods in a star formation. The rods were going to have radii increasing in increments of half an inch, however I changed the rods located 0.5 inches from the center to 0.625 inches to create more of a curved arc.  

One of the principles of art I used was symmetry. In order to create the design that I wanted, I used angles and radii that were symmetrical to each other in all four quadrants. Another element of art that I used was variety. To make sure that my design had unique aspects, I changed the color scheme from monochromatic to complementary. The final main element was emphasis. I placed emphasis on the center of the design by coloring that rod white and making the rods around it descend in increments of one inch. 

Top plate technical drawing
Top plate in SolidWorks
Assembly of Light Sculpture in SolidWorks
Technical drawing of Light Sculpture
Two-dimensional array

Software Engineering

The first thing I did in SolidWorks was create 3D models of all of the Light Sculpture parts. The top plate (figure 2) showed me how to create chamfers, define sketches, and use the boss extrude tool. The base plate taught me how to create holes and use smart dimensions. The knob showed me how to use pattern and mirror tools. Finally, the light rods taught me how to use configurations. The next thing I did was create an assembly (figure 3) of the Light Sculpture along with a technical drawing (figure 4).

In order to program the Arduino in our Light Sculptures, I had to learn how to use custom functions in C++. Custom functions allow us to easily set up our void loop, since the values can be changed using parameters. Functions utilize commands that can be used in the void loop, like digitalWrite, delay, and for loops. I also decided to teach myself how to create a two-dimensional array in order to design my unique light show more efficiently (figure 5).


The most challenging parts of manufacturing my top plate (figure 6) was chamfering and drilling holes. To create the chamfer edge, I had to learn about the chamfer bit and how to line it up with my part on the mill. Drilling holes into the top plate required using multiple types of drills. Each light rod has a slightly deviating diameter, so I carefully measured the diameters beforehand.  

Making the knob required learning how to knurl. One thing that was difficult for me was using the correct amount of firmness. I tried to overcome this by practicing on spare pieces of delrin, since it helped me get a feel for the right amount of pressure. My first knob was knurled with too much pressure, so I had to go back and find a better balance the next time.

We used a blade saw for the first time to cut long acrylic rods into pieces measuring approximately 8 inches. Then, I faced one side of each of my light rods on the lathe, a machine that I haven't used before.

Top plate of light sculpture.
Circuit board

Electrical Engineering

Soldering allows the current to travel between electrical components easier, which is why I used it in my Light Sculpture circuit. I soldered the resistors, header pins, mounts, a potentiometer, and LEDs into my circuit board (figure 7). The mounts were initially a challenge for me because the leads were much thicker than what I’m used to. My main takeaways were to always make sure my components are aligned and flush with the board, and to be aware of applying the solder evenly to avoid cold joints or bridges.


A skill that I didn’t expect to enjoy as much as I did was drafting. In order to learn how to create dynamic sketches by hand, I learned about multiview drawings, different engineering lines, and creating isometric views of various parts. This helped me create an isometric view of my Light Sculpture top plate (figure 8). I used t-squares and either 30º or 45º triangles to make sure the lines were precise. My experience with taking art classes allowed me to go into this lesson knowing some techniques for creating accurate drawings. However, I did learn new tricks for scaling accurately and converting a drawing from one perspective into another. 

Draft of top plate


Working on the Light Sculpture gave me experience in coming up with designs and using various tools to create them. The aspects of engineering that we studied to make this project are all important for producing finished products. I feel capable of using the knowledge I gained to manufacture parts in other settings.

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