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  • Languages

    • Python​ (with Kivy​)

    • Java​​

    • HTML & CSS

    • JavaScript

    • C++​​​​​

    • Ruby

  • Tools and Platforms​​

    • Visual Studio Code

    • PyCharm

    • Git & GitHub

    • Arduino

    • Raspberry Pi

    • Linux (Command Line)

  • SolidWorks

    • Parts

      • Smart Dimensions

      • Hole Wizard

      • Boss Extrude

      • Configurations

    • Drawings

      • Ordinate and Chamfer Dimensions

      • Annotations

    • Assemblies

  • Graphite

  • Colored pencil

  • Paint

    • Gouache​

    • Acrylic

    • Watercolor

    • Tempura

  • Photoshop Mix

  • Autodesk Sketchbook

  • Oil pastel

  • Felt fabric

  • Website design (Wordpress)

  • Copy editing (AP style)

  • Section editing (for-fun)

  • Reporting

    • Interviews

    • Genre conventions

      • News

      • Features

      • Opinions

      • Columns

    • Integrating multimedia

  • Mill​

    • Edge finding

    • Drilling

  • Lathe

    • Facing

    • Knurling

  • Band saw

  • Laser cutter

  • Drill press

  • ​Schematic diagrams

  • Breadboarding

  • Resistors

  • Potentiometers

  • LEDs

  • Ohm's law

  • Torque

  • Constructing electromagnets

  • Soldering


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